We had a low key Halloween with lots of trick or treaters including one dressed as a pirate who walked right in the door and chased our cat down the hall! Jace strikes again! Yearrrgh maties!
Thanksgiving was spent at Janelle's aunt Kris's house which included a nice visit from Matt's parents. We had a small celebration for Matt's birthday at California Pizza Kitchen and were able to see friends Trish, Craig, Lucas and baby on the way. We're so excited for you guys! Matt's dad took lots of great pictures (who Strode?) one of which we saw on the Fischer's Xmas card. However, we noticed that photography credits were not given...

Christmas was not white this year, which Janelle was VERY happy about. No delays in getting work visits done this year. Matt's parents were back in town and we got in lots of games including a night of Triva at Buckle's, no Buckbeaks, wait um, Barkleys. Oh yeah, Buckley's!

This year we again decided to just get some bigger things for the home instead of individual gifts to each other. So we now are the proud owners of Wii and the new Mario Brother's game. (Thanks for the help Steph!) Janelle was sore after one day of bowling, batting, and tennis. We also got a matching arm chair for the living room, so we finally have a little more seating!
Now here we are using the free wi-fi at Panera since we still are in the dark ages with dial up at home. Celebrating New Years day in style. (at least our style what what)