Tuesday, June 01, 2010

And the Roller Coaster Ride Continues...

Well after our last experience being foster parents, we weren't sure if we could do it again. BUT, we're back in the saddle. We talked last week about whether this was something we wanted to continue or not and decided we wanted to give it another shot. As was the case last time, Janelle got several calls immediately when she let the licensor know that we were ready. Since we were heading down to Portland and would be out of state, none of them would have quite worked out. On Thursday, Janelle got a message from one of her co-workers in Tacoma asking if the Seattle office had an adoptive home for an 18 month old girl. Janelle knew nothing more than this all weekend, but of course the wheels started turning as to if this would be a good fit for our family.

We talked seriously about it and decided that if there were no major medical or developmental issues, we would do it. But Janelle talked to the social worker today and learned a lot more information including that the child did in fact has some significant delays and a medical issue. There is always a little bit of a feeling of disappointment because there is excitement around the idea of having a child in your home, but we knew this really wasn't a good fit for our family.

But low and behold a call came in a few hours later for a six month old baby girl in need of a home. She has already been in care for a while, which means it has already been determined of her need to be in foster care. So she won't go home after just a few days this time. As you may remember from last time, nothing is certain until that child is in your arms, but its looking like tomorrow we may have another baby in our home!

To Be Continued....

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