Off to a new adventure t

his week as I travel to Akron, OH via the Denver airport to visit my older sister Michelle and her two adorable daughters Sara and Lori. How lucky am I to have such cute relatives? I am really looking forward to the trip as my mother will be joining the fun, getting on the plane in Denver as we take care of the girls for the weekend so Michelle and her husband can take classes as they prepare for an international adoption!!! That's right, another niece/nephew is on the way. I think they have made a great choice for them with this process and I am more then happy to help out with the little ones and use it as an excuse to continue my reign as "Favorite Uncle"!!! We have some fun adventures planned for them, I will let you know how they work out upon my return. Last night was our first league game for the indoor soccer team that I am on, I play goalie, at least to start. A nice win as we came out on top 9-5. I let in a few I probably should have stopped but held my own for the first time back on the indoor field in over a year. A really fun time and quite a workout in the heat of the place, I probably sweated our 5 pounds and I was not even running all that much. We have a great group of guys and it should be a fun opportunity to catch up with buddies and hang out with the brother of course. The v-ball is rolling along as well. Last week we went 3-1 in the indoor men's league and 2-1 in the coed league, next round tonight for coed. Night quite the same feel and dominance for these 2 leagues as in the past but still fun and both teams have chances to hit full stride in the coming weeks, very early yet. All for now, more upon my return from Akron!!
Current Sports Standings:
Indoor Soccer : 1-0 (Tied for first)
Men's V-ball Indoor 6's: 9-3 (Tied for 2nd)
Coed V-ball Indoor 6's: 4-2 (2nd Place) Game versus number 1 team tonight (We trail by only 1 game)
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