Another few busy weeks have flown by here in the Northwest as the sun has continued to make some extended visits to the Seattle skies and the flowers/trees are coming into full bloom. It sure has made the walks to work spectacular with all of the color and fresh smells which I have been able to enjoy. Nature is good for the soul my friends!! I do feel like there are times when I run on solar power and really become energized by having a little more exposure to that big halogen flame in the sky once in awhile. The job continues at a good clip as I eagerly await the results of my current manuscript submission, I am hoping for an acceptance on this one which will allow me to focus on the final paper planned before I leave the lab. It also appears that in the meantime I might get some authorship credit in a couple of journal papers that are being done with reagents from our lab that I was crucial in the development of. In addition I have been able to provide technical help to the producing lab. All of this would of course help in beefing up the old resume for the continued job search here in the Emerald City.

This last weekend I had a very nice time as Janelle and I were able to host my brother John and his fiancee Amy for our first event in our new condo for a dinner followed some traditional egg dying. Silly fun to be sure but fun nonetheless. We had a great time and produced some pretty good eggs in my estimation. I have posted some pics here so that you can judge our products for yourself. The volleyball has just started up again for the next round of my coed 6's and Sunday night men's 6's for the region. We had a great night of fun with coed last Thursday as we ended 2-1 versus the team that beat us in the final last tournament round. Looks to be another fun round of play with some good buddies. We won the men's league and now seek to defend the title once again as we start those matches this coming Sunday. The indoor soccer is also winding down as we played last Wednesday to a great 11-4 victory and have 2 games remaining. We are still in the hunt to be one of the top 2 teams in the league but will most likely need some help to move up past our current 3rd place position. In any event I had another great attitude experience and almost feel like I have turned another big corner in being okay at sports events with my temper and attitude, only time will tell of course but it is nice to see improvement even in myself. This month we have a final trip for V-ball in Portland to look forward to as well as a tournament near us to finish the month. In addition I hope to visit Trish and Craig in Issaquah, celebrate Amy's birthday on the 14th/Janelle's Birthday on the 25th, and continue to get manuscripts and resumes out the door. Looking forward to the summer months, nationals in Austin, and a trip to Denver to see all the Weaver crew along with my adorable nieces!! More to come!!
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