The wedding is less then a month away......seriously?!?
Where has the time gone? It is very hard to tell most days for me. Oh well, certainly have been packing them in with busy days of planning, volleyball, work and starting the garden fun for the Spring season. This last weekend we had a much deserved sunny day on Sunday and I got to luxuriate in my planned garden for several hours weeding, turning in additional soil amendment and placing a great coat of used coffee grounds across the top to act as a natural mulch and increase the nitrogen content of the soil ahead of my intended plantings. The seedlings for my broccoli and multiple pepper styles continue to do well inside and I hope to get them into the ground prior to the wedding, we will have to just wait and see if that actually happens. ;-) I also got a chance to plant all of the lily bulbs (~21 of them to be exact) in our plot next to the garden as well as some by our work shed. They are Janelle's favorite flower and I have no problem filling our available space with their gorgeous color, I hope that they take this season early enough for some blooms. I also had the opportunity to play a bunch of v-ball with all a large range of players, formats, and locations and had a great time doing them all. Friday was a more organized Moxie reverse 4's open gym at Tyee Community Center in Bellevue. Good times, saw a few faces I had not seen in quite some time and played actually pretty well, great workout event though the really dirty gym made for play like we were on ice.