
per usual it seems that time flies past without my notice between posts on this thing. I am really looking forward to some warmer weather so I can get outside and attack the landscaping, yard, and plant this year's garden in our lot. I have found such a great deal of enjoyment working outside and live things like plants. I find it very calming (Always a good thing for a hothead like me) and quite therapeutic to be honest. In the eventual case that the weather will turn, we continue to have snow flurries here in the Seattle area even in March, I have planted

some starters in the house and will nurse them along with my grow-light as I have them ready to go into the ground to extend their growing season during the warmer months. I hope to have some usable peppers this year as my big goal. Last year the goal was at least one "carvable" pumpkin for the Halloween festivities and I ended up with 3 that I could use!! Really a fun way to do the holidays. The peppers came up just short so I am taking steps to try and get them "over the hump" if you will to something I can use in some stir-fry and salads. ;-) Despite the continued cold weather and occasional light blankets of snow the crocuses, daffodils, and tulips have all

managed to come up and start blooming quite well. I also have some nice stalks coming up from all of my irises, even those I split and transplanted in the last 2 seasons of work. Now if I can get the honeysuckle to grow on my other lattice to balance out the front of the house and find something to take in the one marshy spot near the shaded front as well I will really be getting somewhere. It sure is fun to at the very least try some of this things for myself. In any case it is fun to have some color in the yard both front and back and see the silly statues we have meander their way through the fun shapes and plants that populate our beds. Till next time......
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