Gardening Fun
One of the passions I have found since moving into our house almost 2 years ago
in Oct. was gardening. Honestly I never thought that I would enjoy the pursuit but find it to be really cathartic for me. Doing some mindless physical labor every now and then certainly seems to keep me focused on important things and allow me to get out any and all extra energy I might have on any given day. At Janelle's urging I do everything as green and organic as is possibl
e. I compost all of our yard waste that I can, use grass cuttings and natural fertilizers/sweeteners on the lawn and basically never use chemicals in the yard at all. So far we have been rewarded with some great growing lawn, flower beds, and a small garden plot. This year I have planted tomatoes, broccoli, lettuce, radishes, carrots, pumpkins, and a couple types of peppers. After last years poor crop I decided to be aggressive about the peppers and have cons
tructed my very own mini greenhouse to help them along. Only time will tell!! Meanwhile I have some great luck with the lupine from last year that have grown to shoulder height in 3 great colors and bring in swarms of fuzzy bumblebees, great for pollinating all of my plants and creating quite the soothing background hum that just says "garden" to me. I have also had great success in transplanting several large patches or irises, last year to the front patch and this year to the side area along the driveway. TONS
of flowers result for some good color to accent the house. Fun to try new stuff with now a garden patch filled with Lilly, lupines, fig and apple trees, veggies, roses, raspberry and strawberry
vines, euphorbia (sp?) and even the fun "puff-ball" flowers on the chives plant. Now if only those peppers will grow this year!! If you have never tried you hand at this I would certainly recommend the experience. Start small, don't sweat a few dead plants and let yourself get buried in the pure nature of it all. ;-)

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