Sunday, October 10, 2010

5 Months!

We're more than half way there! Today marks the end of the fifth month of pregnancy for Janelle! In the last two weeks we've added a new chair and rug to the nursery and Janelle has started feeling the baby move and kick multiple times a day now. Matt has even gotten to feel some kicks over the last few days. Its exciting that now the baby is big enough to share this experience with both mom and dad!

Although it may be hard to tell from the picture, Janelle's belly has grown quite a bit over the last couple weeks as well and there is no mistaking that she is pregnant at this point.


Judy and Strode Weaver said...

Love the photo and the comments. You look awesome Janelle. Be well. Mama Bear

scrapweaver said...

Looking just wonderful! i am glad you are both doing so well and having fun nesting. Enjoy every moment!

Unknown said...

Hey, congratulations Matt and Janelle! I somehow stumbled across your blog and saw this. Sounds like you guys have been through quite a journey with being foster parents. Best wishes, Ryan