Another gorgeous weekend of wea

ther here in Seattle. Man have we been spoiled rotten this summer. I played in a VERY competitive volleyball tournament on Sunday with a good friend Billie Hwang. She is one of the more outgoing/competitive players in the region and we made quite a duo with our high energy and loud natures on the court. I did not feel all that well and she cramped at the end of the day but we were right there in all of the matches and were able to beat several of the teams I really wanted to by the end of the day. Saturday was a great day as we celebrated the nuptials of my friend Mike Repka. Included here are a few images of him with Chantelle & Mark and also with John and Amy right before the ceremony. Mike was a dancing machine at this event!! Really fun to see him having such a great time on his big day. Tashana looked great in her dress and things seemed to go really smoothly for the most part. I wish them all the best as they start off on their new adventure in life as a married couple. Busy week here at lab as my tech is gone on vacation and I have double-duty for the next 2 weeks of that stretch. Should be good though as I finish experiments and work out some manuscripts before my tim

e here is up. I host my last 2's event of the summer this Saturday and it looks like by initial numbers that it will be a nice sized one as well. I know my brother John plans to play which always makes for a fun time for me with him in the mix. I have had a great v-ball summer overall. Maybe not the best results all the time but competitive at least, a lot of new partners to share the fun, and a success with my running events once again. I think the JWI was one of the v-ball highlights of the summer for the region. That is all for now as I grind out the week and get ready for the next weekend full of activities!!
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