I had a great midweek visit with my uncle Tony (my dad's younger brother) and his lovely bride Sally. It sounded like they had a great trip through Alaska enjoying the gorgeous scenery and ruggedness of the Northwest get-away. They also were able to indulge in the favorite pastime of my uncle, that of fly fishing. We heard some of the "whopper" tales and had a grand old time catching up. I must say it is a little eerie how similar Tony and my father, and for that matter the older brother Walt, all look more alike in my mind as they age. Not a bad way to go I guess, I have been accused of looking like my brother once or twice as well in my time. We had a great meal, thanks for the treat Sally and Tony!! It is great to be able to stay in at least some touch with the relative spread out all over this great country of ours. I will have to get in a visit with uncle Walt, aunt Gwen, and aunt Julie and I will have seen all of my dad's family within the year!! Quite an accomplishment for me with how spread out we all are. Nice to have a night to hang out with family and catch up with good friend Dave Hoadley afterwards for a few beers at the Lava Lounge close to my brother's condo. Great way to get ready for the Weaver parent's arrival in the Seattle area tonight to have fun all weekend with the boys!! I am looking forward to some good family time with lots of laughs, pictures, silliness, football, and non-stop fun that almost all of our visits seem to produce. More to come as the craziness ensues!!
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